Tony works with Frank Skinner on television series about British popular entertainment In September 2015, Tony worked with Liberty Bell Productions on a television series with Frank Skinner, to be broadcast around Christmas 2015. Tony was teaching Frank how Dan
Punch & Judy May Fayre, Covent Garden 2015
Punch & Judy May Fayre, Covent Garden 2015 In May 2015, Tony MC’d as Mr Punch at the Covent Garden May Fayre, celebrating 353 years since he was first recorded by Samuel Peyps.
Programme notes on Joey – King of Clowns & Dan Leno – The King’s Jester
Programmme notes on Joey – King of Clowns & Dan Leno – The King’s Jester Joey – King of Clowns – programme note “Dan Leno – The King’s Jester” programme note
Arts and the Economy
Arts & Economy In the light of the comment from Maria Miller (the former Culture Secretary who resigned for inappropriate use of her MP’s expenses,) that the arts should focus on “culture’s economic impact”, I
Night of Dragons – Sidmouth Festival 2002
Sidmouth’s “Night of Dragons” – the director’s notes The Night of Dragons had been in the planning for nearly a year, but it was only with 2 weeks to go that I knew I would be there – not just
“Up Frankie!” – director’s notes (Autumn 2010)
I thought it might be interesting to post some of the notes I have contributed to the programmes of productions over the years – so here is the first of a short series that will occasionally appear: “Mocking ourselves gently”
Clifford Essex Pierrot. Article for Banjo, Mandolin & Guitar (BMG) magazine
Clifford Essex – My Pierrot Hero I first started exploring the history of pierrots and concert parties when I was an undergraduate at Sussex University – I was astonished to find that this entire history of a British popular entertainment
Showmanship with Exeter University performances at Royal Albert Museum (RAMM), Exeter
Showmanship with Exeter University performances at Royal Albert Museum (RAMM), Exeter Barnum & wife in front of the tiger display A really successful collaboration between Exeter 1st year drama students, RAMM and Promenade Promotions took place this Spring. The title
“The Raree Man & Peepshow”
Promenade Promotions has been successful in winning an Arts Council of England Grants for the Arts to produce a street peepshow presented by The Raree Man. The peepshow was one of the most popular forms of street entertainment in the
‘Street noise’ sound file
Street Noise This sounds really interesting! This is the first of a series of sound-bites, a bit like mini radio programmes, made by Tim Hill, entitled ‘The Island of Noise’, These are themed around outdoor music making and ritual noise
My Pierrot Hero – by Tony Lidington
My Pierrot Hero – an article about Clifford Essex & pierrots for Banjo Mandolin & Guitar (BMG), published Summer 2013 by Tony Lidington. I first started exploring the history of pierrots and concert parties when I was an undergraduate at