Uncle’s Corner

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Over the past few weeks, I have finished directing the MA students at Exeter University who are studying “Staging Shakespeare” in a promenade production of King John which toured local venues around the region.


In between times, I have been zipping across to Dorchester in Dorset to manage the multicultural Dorchester Festival (put a note in your diary for 1st-4th June) and up to Somerset where I have been running accessible storytelling workshops with primary school youngsters for whom English is an additional language.

Whenever I have a spare moment, I have been titivating my flea cart and today in the glorious Spring sunshine, I have been painting two gay ramps red so that the flea cart can get up and down to the Prom-Prom van nice and easily…pictures to follow.

Prom-Prom is now starting to fill the summer season with booking for flea circuses, healthy living shows and planning the development of our grand ‘Imaginarium’ – you can get a general idea of the project from this short film…

Uncle’s Corner